User's Manual

Table Of Contents
64 The Settings View
6 The Settings View
6.1 Settings
Clicking on the Settings tab in the top of the interface opens the Settings view, shown in Figure 37,
which is where some general parameters of the synthesizer, such as tuning, number of polyphony
voices, pitch bend range, and external macro modules assignments, are fixed. The value of these
parameter is not saved in a sound preset and therefore apply to all sounds. In other words, these
parameters do not vary when new sounds are loaded. In standalone mode, the last saved configu-
ration is always reloaded. In plug-in mode, these parameters are saved with a project which mean
they can vary from one project to the other but are fixed within one project.
Figure 37: The Settings window.
6.1.1 Display Zoom
The size of the interface can be adjusted using the Display Zoom drop-down menu. Different size
ratio options are presented from small to very large. Note that the size of the interface can also be
adjusted by click-dragging the lower right corner of the interface.
6.1.2 Polyphony
The Voices control located at the top of the Settings window allows one to adjust the number
of polyphony voices used by Chromaphone 3. The number of voices is adjusted by clicking on