User Manual

Document: FCC1225manual.wpd issued: jan99 revised:(original) page: 7
In the receive direction, the FPGA demodulates the BPSK (binary phase shift keyed) signal from
the 2
IF to recover the scrambled digital data. At the same time, the lock detector determines when a valid system
signal is present, and controls the lock functions. .
The demodulator produces the baseband data signal, which is a scrambled CVSD data stream.
The descrambler removes the scrambler key stream from the baseband data signal to recover the CVSD RX data
signal. This signal is output from the FPGA to the CVSD decoder. The decoder converts this data stream to an
analog audio signal.
The audio output from the CVSD decoder is lowpass filtered to remove high frequency switching
components. The Model 1225 has two audio amplifiers. One drives the internal speaker, while the other is used
with the external speaker/microphone. A common volume control sets the gain of both amplifiers. The power
on/off switch is integrated with the volume control.
All other controls, PTT, CODE, and CHANNEL, interface directly with the FPGA. The voltage
monitor and activity detector also provide inputs to the FPGA. The FPGA generates the channel, code and T/R
control signals based on the status of the front panel controls, and it drives the PWR LED.
The voltage monitor checks the battery voltage and sends a signal to the FPGA if the voltage gets
too low. The FPGA contains logic that will blink the PWR LED indicating low battery voltage.
The activity detector measures the amplitude of the 2
IF signal. Once a minimum threshold is
passed, it sends a signal to the FPGA. The FPGA responds by taking the data demodulator out of power-down
mode. The demodulator is powered-down during idle periods to conserve battery capacity.
Drive for the TX LED is taken from the switched DC power output from the power control. The
power control switches based on the status of the T/R signal from the FPGA.
3.1.2 RF/IF Section
During transmit, the two biphase modulated signals from the FPGA are individually bandpass
filtered, and then added together, to produce the baseband composite spread spectrum signal. This signal is up-
converted at the first TX mixer. The output from the first TX mixer is bandpass filtered by the IF band split filters.
The outputs from these filters are summed together by the IF combiner to produce the composite IF signal. The IF
bandpass filter section is used for both transmitting and receiving. The signal source for the filters is switched by
the IF T/R switch.
The composite IF signal is up-converted to the final transmit frequency by the TX up-converter
mixer. The output of the TX up-converter mixer is bandpass filtered and amplified to drive the RF power amplifier.
For economy, the bandpass filter used here is shared between the transmit and receive signal paths using RF
switches controlled by the T/R signal. The RF switches isolate the transmit and receive signal paths to prevent
The power amplifier is connected to the antenna through the antenna T/R switch. The status of
this switch is controlled by the T/R signal from the FPGA.
Received signals from the antenna go through the antenna T/R switch to the LNA (Low Noise
Amplifier). The output of the LNA is bandpass filtered by the shared channel filter. An RF amplifier stage follows
the filter and drives the RX down-converter mixer. The down-converter mixer output signal frequency is the same
as transmit signal frequency. Additional signal gain is provided by the IF amplifier.
In receive mode, the IF T/R switch connects the output of the IF amp to the IF band split section.
Here, the received spread spectrum signal is separated into its composite parts, the spread data and PN signals.