User's Manual

MPR-1914 - 12 - 1/2/2015
Pin Function Pin Function
1 Reserved 6 GND
2 Reserved 7 Unit Enable (*)
3 Reserved 8 SCIR
4 +13 V ± 1.0V 9 SCIT
5 +13 V ± 1.0V 10 GND
(*) Note: pin 7 is internally pulled high. User may leave this pin unconnected if
manual control is not required
Make sure you know the tag types. For certain readers and tags, user must also be
mindful of the tag’s orientation and the reader’s antenna orientation, what mounting
surface the tags are designed for and how the tags are supposed to be mounte d. Any
departure from its intended purpose will drastically affect the reader’s ability to energize
the tag and its read range.
When measuring the reader’s read range, make sure that the tag is properly oriented to
the reader antenna, and for optimum performance, be sure the operator’s finger is not
within three (3) inches of the tag’s antenna surface.