Instruction Manual
You can use it in one of the following ways:
Enter the Admin Mode with 123456 (default administrator password),
and then you are able to change the Admin Password or create a User
Directly enter the Secure User Mode with 123456 (default Admin Password)
to use the Aegis Padlock DT.
How do I use the Aegis Padlock DT the rst time?
What if I forget the User Password?
Use your Admin Password to enter Admin Mode, and then create another User
Password in Admin Mode.
NOTE: If you forget or lose your ADMIN password there is no way to
access the drive. Even an Apricorn employee will be unable to help
you access your data. In the event that this happens, the only way to
use the drive is to do a complete reset, which will reset the encryption
key making all data on the drive unrecoverable and restore the Admin
Password to the default 123456.
See the Chapter “Completely Resetting your Aegis Padlock DT” for