Troubleshooting guide

More than 85% of American homes have hard water. The softest waters occur in
parts of the New England, South Atlantic-Gulf, Pacific Northwest, and Hawaii
Moderately hard waters are common in many of the rivers of the Tennessee,
Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska regions.
Hard and very hard waters are found in some of the streams in most of the
regions throughout the country.
Hardest waters (greater than 1,000 ppm) are in streams in Texas, New Mexico,
Kansas, Arizona, and southern California.
Very soft:
0-4 GH
4-8 GH
Slightly hard:
8-12 GH
Moderately hard:
12-18 GH
18-30 GH
Very hard:
>30 GH
Our Model 800 operates on a range of 3 35 GH.
Remember a family of 4 will add @ 2 gallons of humidity per day through
everyday activities like breathing, cooking, bathing and washing.