Owner's Manual

Searching using categories
The articles in the owner's
manual are structured into
main categories and subcate-
gories. The same article can be
found in several appropriate
categories in order to be found
more easily.
and then select Categories.
> The main categories are shown in a list.
Tap on a main category (
A list of subcategories (
) and articles
) is shown.
3. Tap on an article to open it. To go back,
press the back arrow.
Hotspots for exterior and interior
Exterior and interior overview
images of the car. Different
parts are designated with hot-
spots that lead to articles about
those parts of the car.
and then select Exterior/
> Exterior/interior images are shown with
so-called hotspots in place. The hotspot
leads to articles about the corresponding
part of the car. Swipe horizontally over the
screen to browse among the images.
2. Tap on a hotspot.
> The title of the article about the area is
3. Tap on the title to open the article. To go
back, press the back arrow.
Learn about the car's most common
functions with the Quick Guide
Leads to a page with links for a
selection of articles that can be
particularly useful to read in
order to get to know the most
common functions of the car.
The articles can also be
accessed via categories, but
are collected here for quick access. Tap on an
article in order to read it in its entirety.
Located here are the articles
that have been saved as
favourites. Tap on an article in
order to read it in its entirety.
Saving/deleting articles as favourites
Save an article as favourite by pressing at the
top right when an article is open. When an article
has been saved as a favourite the star is filled in:
To remove an article as a favourite, press the star
again in the current article.
Leads to short video tutorials
for different functions in the
Tap on the symbol to obtain
information about which version
of the owner's manual is availa-
ble in the car as well as other
useful information.