Owner manual

Excessive pressure drop
through fi lter.
A Filter not backwashing.
1 Check timer motor and replace as necessary.
2 Check for uninterrupted power supply
Check backwash frequency. Make sure fi ngers are extended on days
backwash is to occur.
B Filter bed loaded with sand. 1 Verify sediment being treated is less dense than the fi lter media.
C Cementing or channeling of media
Probe bed for this condition. Verify adequate pumping rate for back-
2 Check for frozen, plugged or restricted drain line.
3 Check for adequate backwash frequency.
Contaminant not being
properly treated
A Leaking bypass valve. 1 Check bypass valve in service potion. Repair or replace if necessary.
B Internal valve leak. 1 Check piston, spacers and seals. Replace as necessary.
Distributor not properly seated in
control valve.
Make sure distributor is in tube adaptor protruding from bottom of con-
trol valve.
2 Check distributor o-ring. Replace as necessary.
D Flow rate too high for fi lter 1 Check demand requirements against fi lter recommended fl ow rates.
3 pH too high (neutralizer)
A Filter media is brand new. 1 Open the bypass valve slightly, allowing some water to bypass the unit.
B Wrong media used. 1
Magnesium oxide is used when neutralizer blend should have been
used. Open the bypass valve slightly or rebed unit.
4 pH too low (neutralizer)
A Flow rate is too high. 1 Verify demand rate does not exceed fi lter rating.
B Filter bed cemented or channeled.
1 Verify adequate pumping rate for backwashing unit.
2 Check drain line for freezing, plugging or restrictions.
5 Iron present in water
A pH too low. 1
pH of raw water must be 6.8 units or higher. Adjust with proper equip-
B Dissolved oxygen level inadequate. 1 Venturi assembly may be installed prior to fi lter.
Dome Hole Tank Models: CBW1001DM, CBW1501DM, CBW2001DM:
10) Follow steps 1 - 2 on previous page.
a. Add media through fi llport cap located on tank using funnel (See FILLING MEDIA TANK
below). Fillport cap can be removed by turning a quarter turn counter clockwise.
To reduce the risk associated with skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation from dust
from fi lter media during installation:
Gravel and several types of fi lter media may be used in this product, depending upon the
application. During installation, dust may cause irritation to skin, eyes, and respiratory
tract, and may affect lungs.
Utilize a NIOSH-approved dust fi lter mask and appropriate eye protection when handling
and pouring gravel and fi lter media.
To request an MSDS relating to this product, call 203-238-8965 or go to www.3M.com ,
select country, and use the search engine to search MSDS. For emergencies, call 800-
364-3577 or 651-737-6501 (24 hours).
b. Reinstall fi llport cap by turning a quarter turn clockwise.
c. If bypass valve assembly is not factory pre-installed, attach using clips and screws.
d. Using a clean dry rag, wipe the opening of the media tank to remove any dust or residue from the opening to receive the control valve. Attach the
valve head to the media tank by rotating the valve head assembly to the right (clockwise).