Use and Care Manual

Sometimes after a water change (draining and refilling the spa), or initial start-up of the spa, there is no water flowing from
the jets. You may hear the pump operating or even see the shaft of the pump motor turning, but have no water flowing
from the jets. In addition to no flow out of the jets, you may even see an error message OH. This error message can be
caused by a lack of water flow. When this happens there is probably an air-lock in the pump. This air-lock must be purged
from the plumbing for the pump to operate normally.
To purge the pump, please follow these steps:
1. Ensure the spa is filled 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) below the top of the spa.
2. Remove the left side service panel to expose the water pump. Fig 8.1
The pipes entering and leaving the pump are connected with large plastic unions. To purge the air from the pump, one
of these unions will be slightly loosened.
3. Place a towel under the union to be loosened.
4. Using large pliers, slightly turn the union nut counterclockwise (Fig 8). This will produce a faint hissing sound of the
trapped air escaping the pump. This will be followed by a small squirt of water which signals it is time to close the
union by turning it back (clockwise). Do not over tighten the union. It is designed to be hand tight.
Large Pliers
Plastic Union
Fig 8.2
Plastic Union
Tighten (close)
Loosen (open)
Fig 8.1
Your model may vary.