Use and Care Manual

Your Spa’s Ozonator. (Optional equipment)
If you ordered your spa with the optional ozonator installed, you can confirm this by viewing the spa’s rating
plate. The rating plate is located near the floor and equipment access door. As shown below, look in the
option box to confirm the ozonator has been installed. The word “OZONE” will be seen.
Further to verifying the ozone option is installed on your spa. If you look in the equipment compartment
you will see a small black or blue box, about 2.6 inches by 3.3 inches x 1.3 inches (6.6cm x 8.4cm x 3.3cm). It
will be either strapped to the plumbing or mounted on a wall, as shown below.
Ozone is an oxidizer used to sanitize water and air. Ozone is created naturally in the environment during
thunderstorms. The electric charge created by lightning converts the oxygen in the air into ozone. Your
ozonator creates ozone using the same principle. It utilizes a very high electric charge to convert oxygen
into ozone. This ozone is then injected into the spa’s water stream and eventually through two of the spa’s
jets. These jets will always produce air bubbles (however fine they may be) while the pump is operating and
are not controlled by the air injector venturi dials.
The oxygen in the air is normally O2. That is a molecule consisting of two atoms of
oxygen. When exposed to a high electrical charge, a 3
oxygen atom is added to some
of the O2, forming O3 (ozone). The weak bond holding the third oxygen atom causes
the molecule to be unstable. An oxidation reaction occurs upon any collision between
an ozone molecule and a molecule of a substance that can oxidized, i.e. bacteria, fungi,
mould, yeast, viruses, and forms of metals. The weak bond 3
oxygen atom splits off
to these substances, leaving oxygen (O2) as a by-product. During this oxidation
reaction, organic molecules are changed and dissolved metals are made no longer
Although ozone is more effective than chlorine, chloramines and chlorine dioxide for inactivation of viruses,
Cryptosporidium and Giardia; it dissipates very quickly. For this reason, ozone can only be used as a
secondary sanitizer, to enhance the primary sanitizer used to keep your spa safe. You must use a primary
source of sanitizer which is always present in the spa water. Please see the Water Chemistry section of the
spa owner’s manual for further information about sanitizers.