
(800) 458-1749
House Hydrant V1+
ASSE 1019C / ASME A112.18.1 / CSA B125.1 / AS/NZS3718 CERTIFIED
No water fl ow when connected.
Water leaking from plumbing connection.
Water leaking from hydrant body-to-inlet connection.
First you’ll want to identify whether the issue is in the
hydrant of the hose connector.
Make sure water supply is live to the hydrant. Try
depressing the hydrant valve with your thumb to test
for pressure. If the water pressure is live, the issue is
likely the hose connector.
Inspect the hose connector to see if the internal check-
valve is stuck. In variable weather conditions, if left
pressurized outside, water expansion may cause the
check valve to seize.
If the hose connector has a ball-valve, make sure it is on.
For threaded fi ttings, re-wrap with 4-5 wraps of tefl on
tape, followed by a layer of pipe-joint compound.
Firmly tighten with wrenches.
For PEX specifi c fi ttings, ensure a compatible PEX
tubing type and installation tool are being used. Check
tting dimensions for spec.
Inspect the O-ring between the rear valve housing (inlet)
and hydrant body. The inlet can be backed o up to
on full rotation without losing a watertight seal. Ensure
no tefl on tape or sealant is applied. Inlet should thread