Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
Request incoming audio sample rate (0x44)
Request the incoming audio sample rate.
Command/response sequence to request the incoming audio sample rate,
where the rate is 48kHz:
Command: 0x21 0x01 0x44 0x01 0xF0 0x0D
Response: 0x21 0x01 0x44 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x0D
Set/Request Sub Stereo Trim (0x45)
Set/Request the subwoofer trim value for stereo mode.
Command/response sequence to set the sub stereo trim to -1.5dB:
Command: 0x21 0x01 0x45 0x01 0x83 0x0D
Response: 0x21 0x01 0x45 0x00 0x01 0x83 0x0D
Byte: Description:
St 0x21
Zn 0x01
Cc 0x44
Dl 0x01
Data 0xF0 – Request incoming audio sample rate
Et 0x0D
Byte: Description:
St 0x21
Zn Zone number
Cc 0x44
Ac Answer code
Dl 0x01
Data1 Incoming audio sample rate:
0x00 – 32 KHz
0x01 – 44.1 KHz
0x02 – 48 KHz
0x03 – 88.2 KHz
0x04 – 96 KHz
0x05 – 176.4 KHz
0x06 – 192 KHz
0x07 – Unknown
0x08 – Undetected
Et 0x0D
Byte: Description:
St 0x21
Zn 0x01
Cc 0x45
Dl 0x01
Data 0x00 – set the Sub Stereo Trim value to 0dB
0x81 — 0x94 – set the Sub Stereo Trim value to -0.5dB — -10.00dB
0xF0 – Request Sub Stereo Trim value
0xF1 – Increment Sub Stereo Trim value by 0.5dB
0xF2 – Decrement Sub Stereo Trim value by 0.5dB
Et 0x0D
Byte: Description:
St 0x21
Zn Zone number
Cc 0x45
Ac Answer code
Dl 0x01
Data1 0x00, 0x81 — 0x94 – Sub Stereo Trim value in -0.5dB steps
Et 0x0D