User Manual Part 1

“Key format” (for WEP networks only)
in some cases you may need to change the key format in order to enter a pass-
See the documentation that came with your WiFi router or
“Key” (WEP or WPA)
type in the authentication key.
you will be taken to a keyboard (see:
The Remote Control
type in the key and select
OK when you have finished.
Authentication (for WEP networks only)
the network’s authentication method can be based on an
Open System (de-
or a Shared Key”.
it can be
Automatic (DHCP) or Manual”.
if it is
Automatic (DHCP), then you do not have to enter any more information.
Simply use the Connect button, and your ARCHOS will connect to this network,
provided the signal is strong enough.
if you must configure the network manually, select the
Manual setting. Other
parameters will appear: the required information can be obtained from the person
who manages the network.
When you have finished entering all the information, use the Connect button, and
your ARCHOS will connect to this network, provided the signal is strong enough.
Filtered networks: If your network manager allows only specific devices to
connect to the network (known as MAC address filtering), you can supply the
network manager with the MAC address of your ARCHOS. To find out what
your MAC address is, select the “Settings” menu item from the Home screen,
then choose “System”. See: “System” Settings.
When you select the Ethernet Connection button (on the Network Settings first
screen), the ARCHOS will scan for available networks. The list of available net-
works will be displayed.
The procedure is the same as for a WiFi open network. See WiFi Connection.