User Guide

tHE aRcHos iNtERFacE
Top bar of the Interface
Press this icon
to return to the
Home screen
Press this icon
to return to the
previous screen
Tap on Menu to see menu op-
tions according to the current
Your ARCHOS device is equipped with a touchscreen. Most screen areas will react when you tap on them with your finger.
Status icons: (WiFi connection
status, battery level, etc.)
These are the default
Android™ shortcuts (Web
Browser, Music, etc.). Tap
on an icon to open the cor-
responding application.
Applications Tab
Tap on this icon to reveal all the
Android™ applications installed on your
ARCHOS (Email, Alarm clock, etc.).
Applications you download from
APPSLIB will be available here.
Archos_70b_eReader_EN-FR-DE_pnXXXX.indd 4 22/11/2010 19:17:46