User manual

4.6 Firmware and iRP Micro SD-Card update
In the following is a description of a software update process.
Firmware update (all Operating Systems):
The firmware update is performed with the JM3 Robot Tool. Details are described in chapter 4.
Connect to the PC/Notebook using a USB cable (Mirco-B / TypeA).
Start the JM3 Robot Tool and select the “Firmware.hex” file.
Turn on the Marvin robot and connect to the PC/Notebook.
Start it with a click on the “Upload icon”.
Hint: Firmware and iRP SD card image always belong together!
After an update always delete the browser cache!
4.6.1 Micro SD-Card update (Ubuntu-Linux):
The SD card update is started either by double-clicking on the image file (*.img), or by running an
“right-click” on the image file, and selecting “Writing drive image”. After this, a window “Restore drive
image” appears.
Select your Micro SD card.
Start the image update with “restore ...”
Wait until the image has been copied completely.
Please “eject” the drive.
4.6.2 Micro SD-Card update (Linux - general):
The SD card image is executed with the command “dd”.
Insert the SD card with the USB adapter.
Open a terminal window.
Check the ID “/dev/sdX” of the SD card by running the command “sudo fdisk -l”.
Note the ID of the SD card (it must have a size of approximately 2GBytes and contain exactly one
Linux partition).
“Unmount” the SD card with the command “sudo umount /dev/sdX”.
Start the image update with the command “sudo dd bs=1M if=myImage.img of=/dev/sdX”.
Attention: Use the correct filename and ID. Otherwise all data on
the computer can be destroyed!!!
AREXX Engineering & JM³ Engineering
Version: 1.2.3
March 26, 2017 Page: 30