Operating Guide

EN - 7
Personal Protection
DO NOT wear loose clothing or jewelry and
tie back hair that may get caught in rotating
Wear adequate outer garments.
NEVER wear open sandals or canvas shoes
during operation. Wear adequate safety
gear, protective gloves and footwear.
Wear proper footwear to improve footing on
slippery surfaces.
ALWAYS wear eye and ear protection when
operating machine.
Before Operating
Keep all nuts and bolts tight to be sure the
equipment is in safe working condition.
Maintain the machine to be in compliance
with the maintenance schedule.
Clean grass and debris from unit, especially
from around muffler and engine, to help
prevent fires.
Check parking brake operation frequently.
Adjust and service as required.
Inspect unit before each use for missing or
damaged decals and shields, correctly
operating safety interlock system, and
deterioration of grass catchers. Replace or
repair as needed.
Ensure Safety Interlock System is
functioning properly. DO NOT operate unit if
safety interlock is damaged or disabled.
Start and operate unit only when seated in
operator’s position. Steering control levers
must be in neutral, PTO disengaged and
parking brake set when starting engine.
NEVER interfere with the intended function
of a safety device or reduce the protection
provided by a safety device. Check their
proper operation regularly.
Keep machine free of grass, leaves or other
debris build-up. Clean up oil or fuel spillage
and remove any fuel-soaked debris.
Be sure the area is clear of bystanders
before operating. Stop machine if anyone
enters the area.
NEVER operate machine in a closed or
poorly-ventilated area.
ALWAYS maintain unit in safe operating
condition. Damaged or worn out muffler can
cause fire or explosion.
This product is equipped with an internal
combustion type engine. DO NOT use unit
on or near any unimproved, forest-covered
or brush-covered land unless exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrester
meeting applicable local, state or federal
laws. A spark arrester, if it is used, must be
maintained in effective working order by
DO NOT operate machine while feeling
tired, ill or under the influence of alcohol or
other drugs.
DO NOT put hands or feet near rotating
parts or under the machine. Keep clear of
the discharge opening at all times.
DO NOT touch parts which are hot. Allow
parts to cool.
DO NOT operate machine without the entire
grass catcher, discharge guard or other
safety devices in place and working.
ALWAYS keep hands and feet away from all
pinch points.
Avoid slippery surfaces. ALWAYS be sure of
your footing.
NEVER carry passengers.
NEVER direct discharged material toward
anyone. Avoid discharging material against
a wall or obstruction. Material may ricochet
back toward the operator. Stop the blade(s)
when crossing gravel surfaces.
NEVER engage PTO when attachment,
including mower blades, is not in use.
ALWAYS turn off power to attachment when
not in active use such as traveling or
crossing driveways.
ALWAYS disengage PTO, stop unit and
engine, remove key, engage parking brake
and allow moving parts to stop before
leaving operator’s position.
NEVER engage PTO while raising the
attachment, including mower blades, or
when attachment is in the raised position.
Keep safety devices or guards in place and
functioning properly. NEVER modify or
remove safety devices.
DO NOT mow in reverse unless absolutely
necessary. ALWAYS look down and behind
before and while backing.
Stop engine before removing grass catcher
or unclogging chute.
Slow down before turning.
If you strike a foreign object, stop and
inspect the machine. Repair, if necessary,
before restarting.