User's Manual

Set preferred networks
1. Tap Start > Settings > Phone > Network tab. By default, network selection
field is set to Automatic. However, you can set it to Manual to choose your
own network at any point of time.
2. Tap Set Networks.
3. Select the networks in Preferred networks and sort them according to your
4. Tap OK.
Change the keypad tone
You can change the tone you hear when entering a phone number on the
keypad. If set to Long tones, the tone is heard continuously for as long as the
number on the keypad is tapped. Use this setting if you are having trouble
accomplishing tasks that rely on tones from your phone such as accessing
messages from an answering machine. If set to Short tones, the tone is heard
only for one or two seconds. If set to Off, no tone will be heard.
1. From the Phone screen, tap Menu > Options > Phone tab.
2. In the Keypad list, tap the option you want.