
Energy-efficient manufacturing. Our factories use recycled wood to fuel
our production kilns. We understand that natural resources are both
Taking care of the environment is everyone’s job, we take our part very seriously.
After all, we are in the business of creating beautiful, comfortable, and durable
natural wood furniture meant to be used and enjoyed outdoors. In addition, many
of our products are crafted from superior Shorea wood, a variety of hardwood
that’s so well-suited for furniture construction that little processing is required to
alter it from its natural state.
Below are a few of the ways we maintain our commitment to eco-friendly
Abundance of Shorea wood. Shorea trees grow primarily in the
rainforest regions of Southeast Asia, where shrewd reforestation
strategies have ensured constant tree repopulation. Though this precious
natural resource remains plentiful, Shorea wood is carefully regulated.
Only mature trees can be legally harvested, a process that requires
governmental permission and proof of the tree’s sufficient age. Younger
trees are left to grow and reproduce until they’re mature enough to
harvest. These regulations have ensured a steady supply of Shorea
wood, while also protecting irreplaceable forests. In addition to a lower
price tag, the wide availability of Shorea wood provides an important
benefit when compared to teak.
Sustainable harvesting. Shorea wood is a natural and sustainable
resource. Per harvesting regulations, only trees of a certain size (20” or
greater in diameter, in most cases) can be legally cut. This protects
younger, more vigorous trees so they can grow and repopulate the
forests. These and other conservation measures are responsible for the
flourishing of Shorea forests, while also ensuring a steady and renewable
source of this beautiful wood.
Chemical-free production. We are proud to note that a majority of our
furnishings are created without the use of chemicals, with no harmful by-
products released back into the environment. We do our best to keep
things simple. Because we obtain our exquisite Shorea from superior
sources, minimal processing is required to bring out the wood’s stunning
colors and grains. We base our policies on our profound respect for
natureit provides for us, and we do what we can to return the favor.

Summary of content (2 pages)