Installation Guide

Pipe hanger locations
At pipe hanger locations where
the insulation must resist com-
pression, supporting devices
must be used in combination with
metal hanger shields.
Armafix Insulation Pipe
Armafix IPH (Insulation Pipe
Hangers) and NPH (Nonhalogen
Insulation Pipe Hangers) provide
fast, reliable support for insulated
pipes, an innovative alternative to
traditional block and dowel meth-
ods. The pre-insulated hangers
ensure optimum load bearing,
protect against thickness com-
pression, and prevent condensa-
tion gaps that could otherwise
compromise system integrity. To
minimize the movement of
Armaflex, it is recommended that
a pair of non-skid pads be
adhered to the clamps. In addi-
tion, to prevent loosening of the
clamps, use of an anti-vibratory
fastener, such as a nylon locking
nut is recommended.
Armafix features a self-adhesive
closure and an exclusive foam-to-
foam bond. The insulated pipe
hanger is adhered to Armaflex
insulations using Armaflex 520 or
520 BLV Adhesive.
If the application is for clevis or
saddle type of pipe hangers it is
recommended that Armaflex Tape
be wrapped around the Armafix
prior to placing in the clevis or
saddle hanger.
Easy Application
Application with insulation
Clamp (Friction Fit)
Traditional method
Although timesaving Armafix IPH
or NPH is recommended, you
can use traditional supporting
devices such as short lengths of
wood dowels or wood blocks,
which are the same thicknesses
as the Armaflex. These support-
ing devices rest on the metal
shield that is installed between
the insulation surface and the
pipe hanger.
Short wood dowels, used singly
or in multiples, may be used to
support small-size pipes (see
Figure 1). Larger-size pipes will
require woodblocks approximate-
ly 1 x 3 or 1-1/2 x 4 by the
Armaflex thickness, singly or in
multiples. It is always best to
curve the woodblock surfaces to
match the curve of the pipe and
the curve of the metal shield.
The holes cut into the Armaflex
to receive the supporting devices
are to be undersized so the sup-
porting devices fit tightly. Coat the
supporting device with 520 or
520 BLV Adhesive, and insert
into the hole in the Armaflex
while the adhesive is still wet;
then coat the outer surface with
adhesive as a vapor seal.To elim-
inate the possibility of large or
heavy pipes from teetering on the
woodblocks, it is recommended
that 3/4- or 1-diameter wood
dowels be placed at 4 o’clock
and 8 o’clock positions with each
woodblock (see Figure 2).
FIG. 2
Wood inserts
Wood inserts
Metal shield
FIG. 1
Metal shield