User's Manual

Docking button to establish a successful pairing with the console, the controller automatically exits
factory mode, now the function to awake up the controller by any button is activated.
15. Gyroscope sensor calibration:
After the controller successfully connects with the console, return to the main menu, click System
Settings to enter the Setting menu. Scroll down the Settings menu, select Controllers and
Sensorsoption, scroll up the menu list and click Calibrate Motion Controls”,select Calibrate
Controllerson the pop-up menu to enter the controller calibration screen. Place the controller on
a horizontal table and follow the screen instructions, press and hold button - or + on the controller
to end the calibration. Calibration screen as below picture:
16. 3D analogue sticks calibration:
After the controller successfully connects with the console, return to the main menu, click System
Settings to enter the Setting menu. Scroll down the Settings menu, select Controllers and
Sensorsoption, scroll up the menu list and click Calibrate Control Sticks, press down the stick
that you want to calibrate, enter the calibration screen, press button X on the controller, prompt
menu appears, press button A on the controller to confirm calibration, enter the Sticks calibration
screen, please follow the screen instructions to operate the stick UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,CIRCLE in
turn.Calibration screen as below picture: