Install Instructions

installation &
operating instructions
Astro 2, 3-speed
circulator models
fault possible cause remedy
Pump stopped,
no power
Power supply interrupted
Check the power supply. Attach external power control
if necessary.
Fuse tripped or circuit breaker opened
Repair short-circuited wire. Repair loose contact.
Check for the properly rated fuse.
Check pump motor and lead.
Pump stopped, power
supply present
Thermal switch has actuated
Reduce ambient temperature.
Clean blocked or slow rotating pumps.
Pump does not start
Open air vent screw and unlock shaft. Clean pump.
Increase speed/set point.
• Replace pump.
Noises in system, ther-
mostatic valves/pipes
Pump output too high
Reduce speed level.
• Open bypass/valve.
Install circuit balancing valves to adjust fl ow.
Check pump selection/system. Adjust pump. Check
system /gauges.
• Replace pump.
Noisy pump Air in pump
Open bleed screw and vent pump. Vent and top up
system with water.
Check expansion tank.
Install air separator.
Cavitation sounds
Increase inlet pressure.
• Reduce temperature.
Throttle back pump.
• Reduce speed.
Resonance noises
Use sound insulation material between the pump
and surface to reduce resonance noise. Install
expansion joints. Install fi xture to change system’s
natural frequency.
Adjusts pump speed.
• Replace pump/motor.
Knocking from foreign bodies in the
pump/or on valve
• Clean impeller.
Adjust valve pressure. Adjust valve spring.
Turn valve around if installed incorrectly.
• Replace pump.