User Manual

120 Camera Controls
Fig. 42: Operator UI
13.3 EVF-1 Controls
The EVF-1 controls are located on the electronic viewfinder. They consist of a number
of function buttons and a jogwheel.
CAM Press the CAM button to open the EVF-1's CAM menu.
EVF Press the EVF button to open the EVF-1's EVF menu.
ZOOM Press the ZOOM button to magnify the EVF-1 image 2.25x for
focus check. The magnification ratio is 1:1, or one sensor pixel
to one EVF-1 display pixel. Active magnification is indicated by
an orange frame around the image. Frame lines are deactivated
while zoom is active.
EXP Press the EXP button (EXP = EXPOSURE) to toggle false color
display on and off.
When the LOCK button on the main controls is engaged, the CAM and EVF buttons
are locked with the main controls and operator controls. The ZOOM and EXP buttons
are not affected by the lock.
The message "Button is locked!" is displayed in the EVF-1 when the CAM or EVF
button is pressed while the main controls are locked.
13.3.1 Viewfinder EVF menu
Press the EVF button to open the Viewfinder EVF menu in the EVF-1 display and set
the viewfinder parameters. Use the jogwheel on the EVF-1 to select and set menu
options. Press the EVF button to exit the Viewfinder EVF menu.