User Manual

Operation of the Camera 129
The XML file is a Final Cut Pro 7 (FCP) XML file. When opened in Final Cut Pro
7, all clips are imported as one bin. If the clips are copied from the card to another
destination, the file paths in the XML file have to be adjusted to match the new file
location. The XML file is not compatible with FCP X.
The ALE file is an Avid Log Exchange file for Media Composer. It contains all static
clip metadata, which is also embedded in each recorded clip.
For more information about ALEXA metadata, please refer to the ALEXA Metadata
white paper, available at
File Structure for ARRIRAW Recording (Codex VFS)
When an SXR/XR Capture Drive with ARRIRAW footage is loaded on a computer, it
shows up like a regular external drive. Operating underneath, however, is the Codex
Virtual File System (VFS). The VFS can present, for example, readily processed DPX
files, MXF/DNxHD and/or QuickTime/ProRes proxies next to the original ARI files on
the Codex volume. Except for the recorded data on the drive, none of these additional
files actually exist. It's only when these files are requested, that they are generated,
on-demand, and on the fly. Hence the term "virtual".
The file formats, file naming and directory structure that will be presented by the VFS
are fully configurable through the Codex Platform software. This makes the VFS a
highly flexible tool for providing exactly the material you require, when you want it,
without redundant processing and storage overhead on your drives.
The default VFS configuration for the output of only ARRIRAW files uses the following
file path:
<Extension>/<Roll>/<Shot>/<Shot>.<TC Frames>.<Extension>
For detailed instructions on the Virtual File System configuration, please visit http:// and download the Codex VFS Guide.
Fig. 43: Example of an XR Capture Drive using the VFS default file structure in Mac OS X
File naming scheme
ALEXA automatically names files as they are created on the recording media. While
it is possible to change the file names later on a computer, it is not recommended, as
the ALEXA naming scheme has been developed to minimize the risk of duplicate file