User Manual

Appendix 183
Fig. 69: Night scene with false color active
20.4 Warning and Error Messages
If anything unwanted occurs in the camera, it will give a message to the user.
These states, which require attention from the user, are indicated by icons in the main
display, the viewfinder and the MON OUT.
Warnings inform the user that a state has changed or that an error is likely to occur,
but recording is still possible.
When the camera goes into error state, recording is no longer possible, as it cannot be
guaranteed that images are acquired as the user intended, or it is not possible for the
camera to record.
The messages give a compact description of what has happened. If more information
is required, please refer to the following tables.
Special warnings and errors: Sensor temperature
ALEXA has a Peltier element that keeps the image sensor at a stable temperature.
This is important to achieve constant image quality. In certain situations, the camera
might not be able to keep the optimal temperature, or it might take some time to reach
the optimal temperature. This may be the case directly after booting, or in very hot or
cold environments.
A red temperature icon indicates that the sensor temperature is too far off to
guarantee a high image quality. A white temperature icon indicates that the sensor
temperature is not optimal, but image quality is still within the (very high) quality limits
required by ARRI.
The related messages in the INFO screen are shown in the following tables.
Status message
System state: Good Camera works properly.
Warning messages and meanings
Main Bat: Power warning The battery attached to the BAT connector
has reached its warning level. Battery power is
about to end, and a replacement battery should
be prepared.
Onboard Bat: Power warning The battery attached to the onboard battery
adapter has reached its warning level. Battery
power is about to end, and a replacement bat-
tery should be prepared.