User Manual

52 In-Camera Filter Module IFM-1
Risk of damage and injury from insufficient shimming!
All internal filters require a properly shimmed lens mount. Otherwise, even PL
mount lenses with a nominal mounting depth of less than 31.50 mm might damage
internal filters and the camera. Shards from broken filter glass might cause injury.
To ensure maximum allowable lens mounting depth, and to avoid damage or injury,
always shim your camera correctly (see page 55).
The proper IFM-1 Shim comes with all three FSND Filter Sets (Basic, Full or
Completion) and is also available individually. Use only this original shim when
filtering with IFM-1.
Risk of damage from improper tools, materials or negligence!
In-camera filters are very delicate. Always handle them very carefully and with
proper tools (e.g. the original Ground Glass/Frameglow tool). Never touch the filter
glass with bare fingers (sweat and physical contact might damage the sensitive
Check and clean each filter before and after use. Store it properly. Use only original
ARRI cleansing utensils and materials (others might damage the filter).
12.1.2 Basic precautions
When using IFM-1 and internal filters:
1. Ensure a clean, dust-and-moisture-free environment.
2. Wear fresh rubber gloves to avoid fingerprints and smear.
3. Place the camera on a flat, level and safe surface.
4. Never touch the sensor.
5. Work very carefully due to the delicate nature of tools/components.
6. Safely store all tools/components afterwards.
7. Shim you camera exactly to required flange focal depth.
8. Check each lens mounting depth and flange shape.
9. Use only lenses within allowed dimensions.
12.1.3 Required shimming and maximum lens mounting depth
Only proper shimming will ensure the maximum allowable lens mounting depth (see
page 51):
For safe use of in-camera filters, always prepare your camera with the original
IFM-1 Shim.
See "Shimming the lens mount", page 55.
12.2 Available FSND Filter Sets
Three different FSND sets are available:
FSND Filter Set (Basic): Basic set of filters and tools
FSND Filter Set (Completion): Complementary set of filters
FSND Filter Set (Full): Complete set of filters and tools