User Manual

84 Camera Controls
Regen Rec Run TC is regenerated from the last valid TC value. When
set to Ext LTC, the camera continuously reads the TC signal
at the LTC connector as long as it is present. Upon disconnec-
tion or loss of signal, the camera continues counting on its own.
When the external signal is reconnected, the camera uses the
values of the external signal again.
When set to Int TC, the value increases with each new frame
generated by the sensor.
Jam sync Only Ext LTC can be jam sync'd. To perform a jam sync, connect
the external TC source to the camera. The camera then reads
the external TC count and continues counting on its own; the ex-
ternal TC source can be removed again. The precise crystal os-
cillator in the ALEXA will count accurately for up to eight hours.
After eight hours, perform another jam sync to prevent timecode
The camera can be sync'd to TC signals whose time base dif-
fers from the camera's project time base, as long as both are in-
teger (24, 25 and 30 fps) or non-integer (23.976 and 29.97 fps)
signals. It is not possible to mix integer and non-integer signals.
It is recommended to jam-sync after every shooting break to avoid the risk of
losing timecode sync during a shot.
The camera will keep its TC and TC tuning values for about 10 minutes after
disconnection from the power source. If a power source is connected, the
camera will remember its TC for as long as the power source is connected,
even if it is switched off.
Select User bit source to set the source of the user bits. Available user bit sources are:
Internal User bits are set manually in the User Bit screen.
UB in Ext TC When the timecode source is set to Ext LTC, the user bits are
sampled from the external signal.
The camera will force timecode to Int TC and Regen if the sensor frame rate
does not match the project frame rate.
Non-integer TC time base settings 23.976 and 29.97 are always counted as
non-dropframe time code.
Press the USER BITS screen button to access the USER BITS screen. For each user
bit, values from 0 to 9 and A to F can be set.
Press the SET UB button to start editing the user bits values.