User Manual

92 Camera Controls
To play clips that have been recorded internally:
1. Press the PLAY button.
2. On the PLAY screen, the last recorded clip loads. Press the jogwheel to play the
3. Press the jogwheel to pause the clip.
4. Rotate the jogwheel to advance the clip frame by frame, or in one second steps.
Press the STEPSIZE button to toggle between seconds and frames.
5. Press the +10% and –10% buttons to advance or rewind the clip by ten percent of
its duration.
6. Press the HOME button or BACK button to exit and output a live image over the
output paths.
Do not eject media during playback.
Using frame grab during playback with no SD card or write-protected SD card
inserted will exit playback.
Recorded clips do not contain the surround view portion of the EVF-1 or MON
OUT 1/2/3 image. When playing back clips, the surround view portion will not
be visible.
Playback of ARRIRAW footage may show a thin black border around the image
that is not part of the recorded material.
PLAY screen buttons
STEPSIZE Toggle the scrub step size between one frame and one second.
+10% Advance the current clip by ten percent of the clip duration.
Does not work when close to the end of a clip.
-10% Rewind the current clip by ten percent of the clip duration.
Does not work when close to the beginning of a clip.
The jogwheel can be used to scrub through the paused clip. The scrub stepsize is
shown in the lower middle section of the screen.
Additional PLAY screen information:
clip name
playback progress bar with current playback position in time and total clip duration
playback timecode
information whether the clip was marked as circle clip during recording
The OPTIONS screen button opens a list of general playback options.
Clip end action Determines what happens when the end of a clip is
reached. Options are Pause and Loop.
Show frame lines Sets frame lines to On or Off during playback. Center
mark is always switched off during playback.
Status info on MON
OUT 1/2/3
Sets status info overlays on MON OUT during playback
to On or Off.