User's Manual

CONFIG Commands
This section describes the keywords and arguments for the various CONFIG commands.
Connection commands
conns are used to create connections, for example, a WAN or LAN conn. There may be more than one of each
depending on your model. names correspond to the system object IDs (OIDs) but you can name them yourself.
set conn name name link-oid value
Sets the connection named name to point to an associated link specified by the link-oid value.
set conn name name type [ static | dhcpc ]
Specifies whether the type of the connection named name is static or dhcpc.
set conn name name side [ lan | wan ]
Specifies whether this conn is LAN- or WAN-side. A conn can be either lan or wan.
set conn name name dhcp-server-enable [ on | off ]
Turns the DHCP server for this connection on or off. The DHCP server can be enabled per connection. The
default is on.
set conn name name mcast-forwarding [ off | on ]
Turns IP IGMP multicast forwarding for this connection off or on. The default is off.
set conn name name static ipaddr ipaddr
Specifies a static IP address when the connection type has been set to static. The default is
set conn name name static netmask netmask
Specifies a static netmask when the connection type has been set to static. The default is
set conn name name dhcp-server start-addr ipaddr
If dhcp-server-enable is set to on, specifies the first address in the DHCP address range. The Motorola Netopia®
Gateway can reserve a sequence of up to 253 IP addresses within a subnet, beginning with the specified address
for dynamic assignment. The default is
set conn name name dhcp-server end-addr ipaddr
If dhcp-server-enable is set to on, specifies the last address in the DHCP address range. The default is
set conn name name dhcp-server lease-time seconds
If dhcp-server-enable is set to on, specifies the default length for DHCP leases issued by the Motorola Netopia®
Gateway. Lease time is in seconds. Default is 3600.