User's Manual

Table Of Contents
set queue name queue_name bytes [ 2048... 131072 ]
Sets the maximum total number of bytes that can be enqueued.
set queue name queue_name perturb [ 0... 100 ]
Sets the interval in seconds for queue algorithm perturbation when queue option is sfq.
set queue name queue_name police-rate [ 0... 100000000 ]
Sets the rate in milliseconds that is used for policing traffic when the queue type is ingress.
set queue name queue_name police-burst [ 0... 100000000 ]
Sets the burst rate in milliseconds that is used for policing traffic when the queue type is ingress.
set queue name queue_name bw-sharing [ on | off ]
Enables or disables bandwidth sharing, when the queue type is either priority or wfq.
set queue name queue_name bps-mode [ bps | relative ]
Sets the mode of the weighted fair queue. bps indicates that weights are defined as “bits-per-second”. relative
indicates that weights are defined as a proportion of the sum of the weights of all inputs to the wfq.
set queue name queue_name entry number input queue_name
Sets the input to a priority or weighted fair queue.
set queue name queue_name entry number marker queue_marker
Sets the marker with which packets must be marked to be directed to this queue entry's input queue when the
type is priority or wfq.
set queue name queue_name entry number priority [ 0... 255 ]
Sets the priority level of this queue. A lower value indicates a higher priority. All entries of equal priority will be sub-
ject to a round robin algorithm.
for (strict) priority queue, the higher priority gets link resource first.
for wfq queue, each entry gets reserved bandwidth according to its weight. If different priority is given, any
excess bandwidth is offered to higher priority entry first; otherwise any excess bandwidth is distributed to the
weights ratio.
set queue name queue_name entry number weight [ 0... 100 ]
Sets the weight level of this weighted fair queue. Weight units are dependent on bps-mode setting.
If bps-mode is set to bps, then setting the weight to 0 will allocate the remaining available bandwidth to the
queue entry.
If no priority specified, excess bandwidth will be distributed proportionately to the weight ratio.
set queue name queue_name entry number peak [ 0... 100,000,000 ]
Sets the peak level of this weighted fair queue. The peak parameter is a number of 0 through 100,000,000 in bits/
second. It must be at least 50,000 for best effect. It is the peak data rate allowed on the queue entry, and usually