User's Manual

Table Of Contents
set ip igmp last-member-interval value
Sets the last member query interval: the amount of time in tenths of a second that the IGMP gateway waits to
receive a response to a Group-Specific Query message. The last member query interval is also the amount of
time in seconds between successive Group-Specific Query messages. The default is 1 second (10 deci-seconds).
set ip igmp last-member-count value
Sets the last member query count: the number of Group-Specific Query messages sent before the gateway
assumes that there are no members of the host group being queried on this interface. The default is 2.
set ip igmp default-fwd-allow [ on | off ]
Turns default forwarding on or off. The default is on.
set ip igmp snoop-entry-time seconds
The snoop-entry-time is the amount of time an entry will remain in the snooping table (in seconds) after being
added. An entry is added when a “JOIN” is seen from a multicast client. Any new joins (triggered by upstream que-
ries) will reset the timeout back to seconds. If no additional joins are seen, the entry will expire after seconds.
Default is 130.
set ip igmp snooping-unreg-mode [ block | flood ]
The snooping-unreg-mode can be set to block or flood. This indicates what should happen to unregistered mul-
ticast traffic – traffic that hasn't been subscribed to by any clients. If set to flood, the traffic will be sent to all LAN
ports. If set to block, the traffic will not be sent to any LAN ports; it will be dropped. Default is block.
NTP commands
set ip ntp enable [ on | off ]
Enables or disables acquiring the time of day from an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server.
set ip ntp server-address server_address
set ip ntp alt-server-address alt_server_address
Specify the NTP server(s) to use for time updates. The NTP server-address and alt-server-address can be
entered as DNS names as well as IP addresses.
set ip ntp update-period minutes
update-period specifies how often, in minutes, the Gateway should update the clock. Default is 1440.