User's Manual

Table Of Contents
set link name name ppp restart-timer integer
Specifies the number of seconds the Gateway should wait before retransmitting a configuration or termination
request. The
argument can be any number between 1 and 30.
set link name name ppp connection-type [ instant-on | always-on ]
Specifies whether a PPP connection is maintained by the Motorola
Gateway when it is unused for extended peri-
ods. If you specify
, the Gateway never shuts down the PPP link. If you specify
, the Gate-
way shuts down the PPP link after the number of seconds specified in the time-out setting (below) if no traffic is
moving over the circuit.
set link name name ppp echo-request [ on | off ]
Specifies whether you want your Gateway to send LCP echo requests. You should turn off LCP echoing if you do
not want the Gateway to drop a PPP link to a nonresponsive peer.
set link name name ppp echo-failures integer
Specifies the maximum number of lost echoes the Gateway should tolerate before bringing down the PPP con-
nection. The
argument can be any number from between 1 and 20.
set link name name ppp echo-interval integer
Specifies the number of seconds the Gateway should wait before sending another echo from an LCP echo
request. The
argument can be any number from between 5 and 300 (seconds).
set link name name ppp mru integer
Specifies the Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) for the PPP interface. The
argument can be any number
between 128 and 1492 for PPPoE; 1500 otherwise.
set link name name ppp peer-dns [ on | off ]
Controls whether the Gateway accepts nameserver addresses from the peer.
The default is on, which means the Gateway expects to get nameserver addresses when the PPP link comes
up. This especially applies when the primary WAN connection is PPP.
However, there are some unusual situations where the PPP connection is
the primary WAN, for example
when the connection is used only for management. In that situation it may be desirable to
pick up more
nameserver addresses. You can do that by setting the parameter to off.
This is an expert-mode setting that will rarely be used. The setting should be left on, unless you are
an expert user who knows you do not want the Gateway to acquire any nameserver addresses from
this PPP connection.
set link name name pppoe service-name name
Specifies an ISP name or a class or quality of service. The Service Name tells the access concentrator which net-
work service the Motorola Gateway is trying to reach.