User's Manual

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Link: NAT/Gaming
When you click the NAT/Gaming link, the NAT/Gaming page appears.
NAT/Gaming allows you to host internet applications when NAT is enabled. You can host different games and
software on different PCs.
From the Service pull-down menu, you can select any of a large number of predefined games and software. (See
List of Supported Games and Software” on page 73.)
In addition to choosing from these predefined services you can also select a user defined custom service. (See
Custom Services” on page 71.)
For each supported game or service, you can view the protocols and port ranges used by the game or service by
clicking the
Service Details button. For example:
Select a hosting device from the Needed by Device pull-down menu.
1. Once you choose a software service or game, click Add.
2. Select a PC to host the software from the Select Host Device pull-down menu and