User Manual

SD230 Access Appliance
10 SD230 Access Appliance User’s Guide
4.2 Connecting the Access Appliance
This illustration diagrams the series of steps involved in connecting the
parts together. Many parts have labeled connectors; those labels are in
bold type. Two pieces of cable come packaged with the appliance; they
are referred to as the “provided” cables.
Unplug the TV (VCR) cable from
the room’s cable outlet
Connect to the
Access Appliance
using an 802.11b
Wireless Clien
Network Interface
Card installed in
the client PC.
Plug the
transformer cord
into the Access
Appliance ‘s PWR
With all other
secure, plug
into the wall
power outlet
Plug it into the
TV connector
Use the 8 ft coaxial cable
(provided) to connect from the
diplex-filter’s X connector to
the Access Appliance’s RF por
Use the 2 ft. coaxial
cable (provided) to
connect from the
diplex-filter’s IN
connector to the wall
Note: To ensure proper operation and UL compliance of product
in the USA, only use Fairway model WN10A-050 power supply