Owner's Manual

Chapter 4
Geng started
CAUTION: This product is for indoor use only. Do not route the Ethernet cable(s)
outside of the building. Exposure of the cables to lightning could create a safety
hazard and damage the product.
Some screenshots throughout this chapter may contain images of a model dierent that
your own, these are simply examples and the app on your mobile device should represent
the model you are conguring.
You can set up your cable modem in one of the following ways.
Using the Suroard Central app (SBC app): It is recommended that you install and set
up your cable modem using the SBC app. For details on how to set up, refer to the
SURFboard Central User Guide for Cable Modems available on the hp://
Using client device (laptop/desktop): If you are using your client device (laptop/Desktop)
with a wired Ethernet connecon, then see Seng up your cable modem using your
client device (computer/laptop) (page 12).
Seng up your cable modem using your client
device (computer/laptop)
To set up your cable modem using your client device (laptop/computer):
Contact your service provider or a local cable company to make sure broadband cable
service is available in your area.
Note: When c
ontacng your service provider, you will need the informaon listed
on the label on the boom of your cable modem. For more informaon, see
Cable modem label (page 11).
Choose a locaon in your home where your cable modem and computer will be near
exisng cable and electrical wall outlets.
3.1 c
able modem S33 User Guide STANDARD Revision x.2 12