User's Manual

2.4 Dimensions and part marking
Figure 3: Dimensions and part marking
2.5 Operating the sensor
2.5.1 Hardware and software setup
Connect the RPSS device to the CAN bus
Connect the other end of the CAN bus to the PEAK PCAN USB adapter and to a power
supply (Voltage should be set between 12V and 20V and 2Amp max).
Connect the PEAK PCAN USB adapter to a free USB port on the laptop.
Open a Linux Bash terminal and go to the $HOME/Arrival folder
Run the following script to initialize the Host CAN interface
sudo ./
Power the RPSS device and wait for 20 seconds.
Run the CAN Transmit GUI application
2.5.2 Running Graphical User Interface
Select A1 for the target RPSS sensor using the toggle button.
Select the USRR sensor operating mode (USRR is the default in the dropdown list).
Click on the “Execute transmit command” button to run the selected sensor using the
selected mode.
Sensor activation log messages should show up in the white panel status.
Click on the “Start visualization” button to display the sensors visualization using the
ROS/Rviz external tool. You should see point clouds detected by the red 3D box (A1
RPSS device) on the visualization.