User`s guide

DOWN before “testing” the sound. When running one channel
into another (cascading) you have the potential for upwards to
120 to 140dB of gain.
AA RR TT DDuuaall MMPP SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
Dimensions: 1.75” H x 19” W x 6.5” D
Input Connections: XLR (balanced), 1/4” unbal.
Output Connections: XLR (balanced), 1/4” unbal.
Input Impedance: XLR, 1/4” 2K ohms, 840K ohms
Output Impedance: XLR, 1/4” 600 ohms, 300 ohms
Maximum Input Level: XLR +14dBu
Maximum Input Level: 1/4” +22dBu
Maximum Output Level: XLR +28dBu
Maximum Output Level: 1/4” +22dBu
CMRR >75dB (typical @ 1kHz)
Frequency Response 10Hz to 20kHz (+0, -1dB)
Dynamic Range >100dB (20Hz to 20kHz)
Total Harmonic Distortion(THD) <0.1% (typical)
Maximum Gain:
XLR to XLR 70dB (typical)
1/4” to 1/4” 54dB (typical)
XLR to 1/4” 64dB (typical)
1/4” to XLR 60dB (typical)
Equivalent Input Noise (EIN)
XLR to XLR -129dBu (‘A’ weighted)
1/4” to 1/4” -105dBu (‘A’ weighted)
Power Requirements: 95-125VAC, 10W - (USA)
Internal fuse
Other power requirements con-
fig- ured for country of
OOuuttppuutt CCoonnttrrooll
The output control sets the output level of the Dual MP. When
the control is fully counterclockwise, there is no
output.Turning the control clockwise increases the level of the
output to a maximum of +10dB of gain. This gain is in addition
to the existing input gain.
DDeessiiggnn OOvveerrvviieeww
A R T’s Dual MP circuitry is a hybrid design utilizing the latest
and most advanced solid state and tube technology. Using a
transformerless design throughout, the Dual MP maintains
exceptional signal integrity and extremely low noise. The Active
balanced input utilizes a hybrid multiple paired transistor
design providing extremely low noise and excellent CMRR. A
second stage 12AX7A tube running on a regulated DC voltage
of +50volts provides additional gain. The tube will overload
before the input or output stage. This allows the user to manip-
ulate the tube gain to meet their sonic requirements. The 1/4”
input has a high impedance preventing the loading of any
device connected to it, making the Dual MP perfect for DI appli-
The main application of the Dual MP is a microphone preampli-
fier. Plug any microphone directly into either input and set the
input and output controls to provide a healthy level into the
next stage of your system.
The Dual MP is ideal for use as a DI box. Plug the instrument
into either input and use the XLR or 1/4 (or both) outputs to
connect to your recorder, board or PA system.
Because of its low noise and excellent tonal qualities, the Dual
MP is ideal for running mixes through before recording to DAT
or cassette. Used as a mastering device, the Dual MP is capable
of adding warmth and, set properly, gentle tube compression to
the incoming signal.
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