User`s guide

AAddddiittiioonnaall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
If you are planning to purchase additional equipment for your
audio needs, please consider the following A R T Products.
RReeccoorrddiinngg// LLiivvee SSoouunndd
MR-1, Personal Reverb Processor
Tube MP, Personal Microphone Preamplifier
MDM-8L, Eight channel compressor/limiter
Pro Gate, Eight channel programmable Noise Gate
SC-2, two channel compressor/limiter/gate
MDC-2001, Stereo dynamics processor
FXR and FXR Elite (II), Two channel Digital multi-effects proces-
Effects Network, Digital Dedicated and multi-effects processor
Multiverb Alpha, Digital multi-effects processor
HD-15, Two channel 15 band EQ
HD-31, 31 band EQ
Pro MP, Professional two channel microphone preamp
Instrument applications
XTREME, Personal guitar processor with digital effects
DST-4, Programmable guitar preamp with digital effects
Power Plant, Studio guitar preamp
DST 8080, 80 watt/ channel powered guitar preamp with effects
The Acoustic, Personal acoustic guitar processor with digital
SGX-2000, Analog and digital preamp/ processor for guitar
SGX-Nightbass, Analog and digital preamp/ processor for guitar
ECC, Guitar floor processor
BCC, Bass floor processor
X-15, MIDI foot controller with two expression pedals
X-12, MIDI foot controller with optional Power Pedal controller
For a full line catalog, write, call in, or email us to request one.
FFoorr uupp ttoo ddaattee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn nneeww pprroodduuccttss sseenndd iinn yyoouurr UUsseerr
RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ccaarrdd NNOOWW!!