User`s guide

the corner frequency when applying boost or cut. In other words,
cutting at 40Hz also cuts 30Hz, 20Hz, etc. The Low Frequency
control has as range of +/- 12dB. Two ranges are selected with
the Low Shift Switch: 40Hz or 120Hz. 40Hz is great for enhanc-
ing sub-low frequencies such as those in bass guitars and kick
drums. Cutting 40Hz can also help to “clean up” mixes that
sound muddy or “loose” in the low end. 120Hz is generally the
low-end for vocals, guitars and toms. Boosting 120Hz can add
“weight or “beef” to a week vocal and cutting it can “thin out
a signal that takes up too much room in the low end.
LLooww SShhiifftt SSwwiittcchh
The Low Shift switch selects the corner frequency of the Low
Frequency control. In the “out” position the corner is 40Hz. In
the “in” position the corner is 120Hz.
LLoo--MMiidd FFrreeqquueennccyy CCoonnttrrooll
The Lo-Mid control is a dual concentric pot (meaning there are
two controls - one outer and one inner). The outer control is
used to select a frequency while the inner control is used to
apply +/-12dB of gain. The Lo-Mid control can cover two fre-
quency ranges depending on the position of the Shift x 10
switch. These ranges are 20Hz to 200Hz and 200Hz to 2KHz.
LLoo--MMiidd SShhiifftt xx 1100 SSwwiittcchh
The Lo-Mid Shift x 10 switch determines the range over which
the Lo-Mid frequency control will cover. In its “out” position, the
range is set at 20Hz to 200Hz. In its “in” position the range is
set at 200Hz to 2KHz.
You’ll notice the Low Frequency and Lo-Mid Frequency
controls overlap (meaning they cover the same frequencies). This
is intentional and is one of the powerful features of the Tube EQ.
This feature allows you the ultimate in flexibility.