User`s guide

to as the “air” band. While there aren’t very many instruments
that contain 18KHz information directly, many instruments and
mixes contain upper harmonics which can add extra definition
and “space” when boosted. Cutting at 18KHz can decrease hiss
and noise.
HHiigghh SShhiifftt SSwwiittcchh
The High Shift switch selects the corner frequency of the High
Frequency control. In the “out” position the corner is 18KHz. In
the “in” position the corner is 6KHz.
You’ll notice the High Frequency and Hi-Mid Frequency
controls overlap (meaning they cover the same frequencies). This
is intentional and is one of the powerful features of the Tube EQ.
This feature allows you the ultimate in flexibility. For example, on
cymbals try boosting 18KHz with the High control while cutting
20KHz with the Hi-Mid control for a very bright, yet noise free
The Power switch applies and removes power from the unit. The
Tube EQ should be turned “on” only when all monitor levels are
turned down, or off, to protect against any “thumping” caused
by high gain settings. Likewise, the Tube EQ should be turned
“off” after turning all monitor levels down.
IInnppuutt aanndd OOuuttppuutt CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
The Tube EQ’s XLR connectors follow the AES standard:
Pin 1 = Ground, Pin 2 = Hot (+), Pin 3 = Cold (-). The unbal-
anced 1/4” phone jacks are typical: Tip = Hot (+), Sleeve =