User`s guide

carton was designed to protect it during initial shipment. Please
retain this carton for use in transporting the Tube EQ, or in the
unlikely event that you need to return your Tube EQ for servicing.
AACC PPoowweerr HHooookkuupp
The Tube EQ has an internal power supply designed to operate
at 100 to 125VAC, 50 to 60Hz. Units manufactured for use out-
side of the United States of America have been modified to com-
ply with the required electrical specifications. Under no circum-
stances should the power cable be altered. If the cable becomes
cut or damaged, discontinue its use and have it replaced before
using the Tube EQ.
AAuuddiioo CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
Audio connections to and from the Tube EQ are balanced XLR
(Pin 2 Hot (+), Pin 3 Cold (-), Pin 1 Ground) and unbalanced
1/4” (Tip Hot (+), Sleeve Ground). We recommend using only
high-quality cables equipped with the appropriate connectors.
The Tube EQ may be employed in a number of setups
- Between a microphone/ line preamplifier and a mixer, digital
multi-track recorder, DAT machine, hard disk recorder, or analog
- In a mixer’s channel insert points.
- Between a microphone/ line preamplifier and signal proces-
- Between electronic musical instruments (synthesizers, guitars,
bass, samplers, acoustic instruments with pickups) and
other gear.
Warning: To avoid the risk of shock or fire, do not expose this
unit to moisture. Do not remove metal panels from chassis parts.
Removing the chassis from its cabinet parts exposes dangerous