User`s guide

Module Types
Each effect in the digital FX section is contained in separate effect blocks referred to as “Modules”. There are three basic types of FX Modules
used by the Digital FX section of the 2120 VGS.
• Mono FX module
• Dual FX module
• Stereo FX module
The figure below illustrates how signals are routed through each type of FX module. Although all three modules are shown with stereo
inputs, they can still be used with a mono source. The mono source would just be routed to both sides of the module’s inputs. Notice how
the Dual FX module maintains a stereo image, while the mono FX module always sums the signal
Module Sizes
These modules vary in size ranging from 1/4 size to Full. In order to achieve the nearly endless combinations of effects and routings, we've
supplied you with four different module sizes and they are as follows:
• Full (module type = FUL)
• 3/4 (module type = 3-4)
• Half (module type = HLF)
• Quarter (module type = 4th)
Dividing the (2) S-DISC II’s processing power allows your 2120 VGS to produce up to 8 digital effects at one time. The figure below represents
how each of the S-DISC IIs can be divided to accommodate a wide variety of effect routing.
A Full module type offers effects with more flexibility and power than the Half modules, and so on, but all four sizes of FX modules feature
high quality effects, so you don’t have to worry if you need to divide the S-DISC II pie four ways. For a complete list of these FX Types please
see the Editing modules section. For a complete list of effect configurations please see Appendix on page 68.
Mono FX Module
Dual FX Module
Stereo FX Module
2120 VGS Artist
User Guide
Section - 1 Introduction