User`s guide

There are 7 Stereo Pitch Shifter defaults to choose from. Some Factory programs use these Default settings. So, if you like the Pitch
shifter that is being used in Factory program #4, and would like to use it in Program #98, simply scroll to the Stereo Pitch Shifter
module, then use the <4> knob to recall the default (which happens to be F4-Octave Up) in Program #4. This eliminates the need
to change all the parameters from one program to the another.
For a list of all the FX modules and their Defaults, see page 28.
Adjusting the Module’s Parameters
The parameters of every module can be accessed through a series of pages. You adjust the input level of a particular module from Edit page 2.
If you’re not already in Edit mode, press the <Edit> button. You can then use the <Program/Effect> wheel to scroll to the module you
want to change (ie: St Pitch). Using the <Page> knob, scroll to page 2. You can now change the individual module’s input level using the
<1> knob. Settings range from 0 (off) to 100%. You can change all of the other parameters in a similar manner.
Custom Defaults
Once you have tweaked the parameters of an effect module, you can store it off as part of the program. Once it is stored off, it becomes a
custom default for that program, but is not added to the User default library. To save the settings as User Defaults, please see pg. 25.
2120 VGS Artist
User Guide
Section - 3 Editing Programs