User`s guide

Pre Amp Effects
Compression is an invaluable tool in the effect world. It can make or break any recording session or live performance. Compression can take an
incredible solo that just seems to be lacking somehow in a recording and bring so much life to it, that it almost jumps off the tape. The way the
compressor does this is by turning the signals down as they become louder. After it makes the adjustment to the level, it boosts the overall
signal back up. This effect can be used to increase sustain and tighten up guitar signal.
Compression Parameters:
Comp On/Bypass Turns On or Bypasses the Compressor module
Threshold Sets the minimum input level at which the compressor will engage. As THRESHOLD is lowered, the compressor
engages at lower levels, causing the apparent output level to decrease. Ranges in 1dB steps from -35dB to -5 dB.
Compression Ratio Controls the amount of gain reduction for a given input signal level. This means that if RATIO is set 2:1, every
2dB increase in input level results in a 1dB increase in compressor output. Likewise, if RATIO is set to 5:1, every
5 dB increase in input level result in a 1 dB output level increase. The higher the RATIO setting, the more
compressed the output signal becomes. Ranges from: 1:1 to infinity:1.
Attack This parameter selects the attack time of the compressor. The attack times range are: Slow, Medium, Fast, and
Very Fast
Output Level This parameter adjusts the overall output level of the compressor. Ranges in .5 dB increments. Range is from
OFF to 20.0 dB.
Analog Wah
With the Analog Wah, you get the best of both worlds. This Analog Wah is digitally controlled. What exactly does that mean? This means that
you get an dead-on accurate Wah emulation which is controlled via the 2120 VGS’s powerful processing. This Wah module is based off of the
most popular Wah pedals on available.
Analog Wah Parameters:
ON/Bypass Turns on or bypasses the Wah module.
Wah Position Controls the pedal position of the Analog Wah effect module. Ranges from 1 to 128. *An expression pedal must
be assigned to this parameter in order for module to operate.
Wah Type Selects which Wah type is to be used. Selections are: Toe Heavy, Linear, and Heel Heavy.
Tube Distortions
The days of having to sacrifice reliability for the great tonal characteristics of an old British or American tweed preamps are now just a thing of
the past with the tube preamp distortion section of the 2120 VGS. The great thing about the 2120 VGS is, you are not limited to just one
preamp sound setting. You can have anything from Vintage Tweed to a British half, to a rectified full stack
Tube Distortion Parameters:
Dist On/Off/Bypass Turns On or bypasses the Tube distortion module.
Distortion Type Selects the the type of distortion that is being used in the program. The Tube distortion types include: Warm
Clean- Ideal for clean tone, Bright Clean- Great for mellow blues, Dirty Tube- Overdriven blues solos or dirty
Section - 4 Effects and Parameters
2120 VGS Artist
User Guide