User`s guide

Note: You’ll notice the High Frequency and Hi-Mid Frequency
controls overlap (meaning they cover the same frequencies).
This is intentional and is one of the powerful features of the
Tube EQ. This feature allows you the ultimate in flexibility. For
example, on cymbals try boosting 18KHz with the High control
while cutting 20KHz with the Hi-Mid control for a very bright, yet
noise free result.
Output Level Control
The Output Level control sets the output level of the Dual Tube
EQ. The output level is a gain stage intended to compensate for
a boost or cut in level from the applied EQ. When the control is
fully counterclockwise, there is no output. Turning the control
clockwise increases the level of the output to a maximum of
+10dB of gain. To achieve unity gain (meaning the level into the
Tube EQ is the same as the level out of the Tube EQ) the out-
put level should be adjusted
setting the EQ bands so that
the bypass level is the same as the active level. If you are
boosting EQ bands (adding gain), you’ll have to turn down the
output level control. If you are cutting EQ bands (decreasing
gain), you’ll have to turn up the output level control.
Note: Using the Dual Tube EQ for adding gain will not damage
the unit. The only thing that will suffer will be the signal to noise
ratio (meaning that if you use the Dual Tube EQ as a distortion
box, it will probably be noisy). However, use caution and
observe the input levels of the equipment that the Tube EQ is
plugged into to be sure you are not overdriving it.
Bypass Switch
A Bypass switch is included on each channel of the Dual Tube
EQ to enable you to remove it from your signal chain. When set
to its “in” (bypass) position, signal is allowed to pass from the
input to the output with no equalization. The bypass LED will
glow red when Bypass is engaged. In its “out” position, the EQ
is active. Use the Bypass switch when setting the Dual Tube
EQ’s input and output levels to achieve unity (no boost or cut)
gain. Unity gain is achieved when the active level is the same
as the bypassed level.
Mono (Cascade) Switch
The Dual Tube EQ has a unique Cascade feature which allows
it to be configured as a mono, eight-band EQ. When the Mono