User`s guide

power down.
Note: Like all tube-based equipment, the Dual Tube EQ needs
to warm up before being used. Allow one to two minutes for the
tubes to reach proper operating voltage before using.
It is normal for the Tube EQ to be warm. The aluminum chassis
is used for heat dissipation. It is recommended that the Dual
Tube EQ be installed in an area where there is adequate venti-
If the Dual Tube EQ fails to power up when the power switch is
turned on, check to see that its power cord is plugged into an
active outlet. If the unit still fails to operate properly, turn it off
and unplug it. Then consult your dealer or A R T’s Customer
Service department.
Each channel of the Dual EQ has identical features.
Gain Control
The Gain control sets the amount of input gain to the Dual Tube
EQ. Turn the control clockwise to increase gain and counter-
clockwise to decrease it. To maximize your signal to noise ratio,
it is important to start with a unity gain setting (meaning that the
level into the Tube EQ is the same as the level out of the Dual
Tube EQ). With the output level at its “0” position, adjust the
input gain until the level is the same when the Dual Tube EQ is
bypassed and active.
Clip Indicator
The Clip indicator will illuminate just before any gain stage of
the Tube EQ reaches audible distortion. Typically this will indi-
cate clipping at the input stage (which is corrected by turning
down the input gain control). However, it will also indicate any
distortion caused by excessive EQ’ing. In other words, if turning
down the input gain control doesn’t make the clip indicator turn
off, check the frequency bands for excessive boost.