Owners Manual

This connection provides a means of sharing an external effects processor between two MX822s. In
essence, it allows the first mixer to connect directly to the AUX or effects buss of the second mixer.
Using a dual 1/4" TS to single 1/4" TRS cable, connect the separate TS plug ends into the EFFECTS
SEND outputs of the first mixer and connect the TRS plug end into the EFX BUS IN of the second
mixer (tip is left and ring is right).
Connect your external effects processor as normal to the EFFECTS SEND and EFFECTS RETURN
jacks of the second mixer. The EFX SEND controlled signal levels from both mixers will now be
routed to the effects processor. Control the overall effect level using the EFX RETURN knob on the
front panel of the second mixer.
These jacks allow you connect an external effects processor (such as a reverb unit or vocal
processor) to your MX822 in order to add effects to your mix. Connect the EFFECTS SEND outputs
to the inputs of your processor and the processor outputs to the EFFECTS RETURN inputs. Use
cables with 1/4" TS plugs. If the effects processor is mono, connect it to just the LEFT (MONO) jacks
to route the effect to (and from) both stereo channels. These are unbalanced connections.
The level of each input channel sent to the effects processor is controlled by that channel's EFX
SEND control. The effects processor's contribution to the total mix is controlled by the EFX RETURN
Two male XLR connectors are provided to connect your MX822 to the destination device, such as an
amplifier, powered speakers, or main mixer. These outputs are affected by the MASTER LEVEL
control. They are balanced connections that may be used to provide excellent noise immunity with
long cable runs.
Headphone Jack
Front Panel Connection
This is a 1/4" TRS stereo jack that will drive a standard pair of headphones. Like the MAIN EXPAND
OUT connection, the signal to the headphone jack is brought out from a point in the signal path
before the MASTER LEVEL control, so this control will have no effect on the level provided to the
headphone jack. The HEADPHONE LEVEL control adjacent to the jack controls the headphone level
independently from the main outputs.
Refer to the block diagram for more information on how these connections are connected internally.