User`s guide

switch also reverses the polarity of the 1/4” output jack. In the
Normal (out) position, the signal is in-phase. In the Reverse (in)
position, Pins 2 and 3 are reversed as the signal is changed to 180
degrees out of phase.
In multiple microphone applications, the placement of the micro-
phones can affect the phase of a signal. If two microphones pick
up the same signal from different locations, the result can be a
hollow or frequency “shifted” sound. In some cases it may sound
as if an instrument disappears if it happens to be 180 degrees out
of phase. Depressing the Phase switch can remedy this problem.
Likewise, if a microphone cable is wired incorrectly, when used
with a properly wired cable the signal will be out of phase.
: for single microphone applications, switching the phase
switch in and out will produce little to no change in the output sig-
OOuuttppuutt LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll
The Output Level control sets the output level of the Tube PAC.
When the control is fully counterclockwise, there is no output.
Turning the control clockwise increases the level of the output to a
maximum of +10dB of gain. When setting the Output Level con-
trol, refer to the level meter on your recorder or mixer.
BByyppaassss SSwwiittcchh
A Bypass switch is included on the Tube PAC to enable you to
remove the compressor from your signal chain. When set to its
“in” (bypass) position, signal is allowed to pass from the preamp
circuitry to the output jacks with no compression. The LED will glow
red when Bypass is engaged. This informs you that the compres-
sor is bypassed. In its “out” position, the compressor is active. Use
the Bypass switch when setting the Tube PAC’s Output Level to
achieve unity (no boost or cut) gain. Unity gain is achieved when
the active level is the same as the bypassed level.