User`s guide

nect the XLR output jack of the Tube PAC to the XLR input of your
mixer, however most affordable mixers do not allow you to bypass
their internal preamp when using the XLR jack. You will cause no
harm to either unit when doing this but you will probably experi-
ence slightly higher noise. This is due to the fact that you are now
preamplifing your mixer’s preamp.
MMaasstteerriinngg ((22--mmiixx pprroocceessssiinngg))
Because of its low noise and excellent tonal qualities, the Tube PAC
is ideal to run mixes through before recording to DAT or cassette.
Used as a mastering device, the Tube PAC is capable of adding
warmth and gentle tube compression to the incoming signal.
Low noise, compression and variable Input and Output level con-
trols make the Tube PAC ideal for level matching material in post
production situations.
SSppeecciiaall EEffffeeccttss
For industrial, metal, or just “flavor” textures, experiment with the
Tube PAC. Overdriving the preamp and compressor circuitry can
add interesting textures when blended with vocals and other
instruments. Placing signals purposely out of phase can also yield
interesting results. No harm will come to the Tube PAC with this
type of experimentation. However, be sure to have output and
monitoring levels turned DOWN before “testing” the sound.
Remember, you have a great amount of gain available in the Tube
The Tubes in your Tube PAC should last for many years. The tubes
used in your unit are hand-sorted for performance. In the event
that you need to replace them, A R T suggests that you do so with
tubes available from A R T. These are matched to the Tube PAC
and will yield consistent sonic results. You can
replace the tubes
with other brands, however A R T has no responsibility for the
resulting sound quality. They may sound better, they may sound