Use and Care Manual

Taking care of your rug properly helps maintain its value. Use a vacuum cleaner without a beater bar to stop dirt and dust from settling
into the rug. Brooms and manual sweepers are also a gentle and eective way to clean rugs. Refrain from running the vacuum over the
edges of the rug or the rugs. Instead, use the handheld attachment or carefully place the vacuum on the rug.
In the event of a spill, press the spot rmly with a dye-free cloth to absorb the liquid. Work from the outer edges of the spill towards the
center to prevent spreading. Never rub a spill as this forces the spill deeper into the rug. Be sure to choose a professional rug cleaning
expert for handmade rugs.
Rotate your rug regularly to prevent uneven fading and wear. Remember sprouting is normal, refer to the material and construction to
determine whether to trim or tuck a pull.
Now that you’ve received your new rug, it’s time to put it on display. After removing the packaging and unfurling the rug, it is typical for
the corners to be curled. To x this, place an object like a book or piece of furniture on each corner to weigh it down. Another option is
to ip the rug upside down. After a few days, the rug should lay evenly, making an impressive addition to your space.
Outdoor Safe products should be stored in when they are not in use. Store the rug in the shade when not in use, direct/indirect
sunlight outdoors will cause rapid fading. Shade it with an awning or umbrella, if it is left outside. Rain or humid weather will cause
rapid deterioration and/or mold. Store the rug in a dry space when not in use. If a rug is left in the rain by accident, hang the rug over a
railing in sunlight until it has completely dried. Outdoor Safe products that are damaged or aged prematurely due to negligence are not
considered defective.