User Guide

ARTS PDF Split Pro™ Guide
Appendix A - Rectangle Commands
Looks at the text inside the rectangle for the string, if the string exists it will check if the text after
the string changes. If the text after the string changes from the previous page that contained the
string then the page will be included into the fragment. Since by default all pages go into one
fragment or another, this command is only effective if a false parameter is passed to the includeall
If the string parameter is found somewhere in the text on the page, then this command causes the
page to be excluded from all fragments.
If the string parameter is found somewhere in the text on the page inside the rectangle, then this
command causes the page to be excluded from all fragments.
if the string parameter is found inside the rectangle it will check if the text after the string changes.
If the text after the string changes then the page will be excluded from the fragment.
This command looks inside the rectangle for text. If there is no text found within the rectangle box
then the page will be excluded. Useful when excluding blank pages from an output file.
This command opens a text extract file that will receive the text extracted by the various extract
This command extracts the run or runs of text that begin within the rectangle into the extract file
specified by the extractfilename command.
This command works similarly to the extracttext command, but it extracts only the words indicated
by the range number-number. It looks at the run of text that falls within the rectangle, and takes
only the words that are number-number in order. For instance, if a run of text is text
15.839996,826.880005 (this is text on the page) and the extract command is
extracttextselectedword 12 829 18 823 2-4, then only the text is text on will be extracted. This
command uses the run or runs of text that begin within the rectangle into the extract file specified
by the extractfilename command.
This command works similarly to the extracttext command, but it skips over number words. If the
text in the run is text 15.839996,826.880005 (this is text on the page)and the extract command is
extracttextskipwords 12 829 18 823 2, then the text text on the page will be extracted, because
the first two words were skipped.
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