User Guide

ARTS PDF Split Pro™ Guide
Appendix B - Command Line Switches
10. Appendix B – Command Line Switches
The following switches can be used with ARTS PDF Split Pro™ Command Line (CL).
Input switch
-i [c:\input.pdf]
The input switch specifies the pdf file to be split.
Output switch
-o [c:\input.pdf]
-o [c:\outputfolder]
The output switch specifies the name of the fragment created or the folder that will contain the
fragments, depending upon which other switches are used.
Control switch
-c [c:\control.txt]
The control switch specifies a control file that lists the page numbers to be split and the fragment
names. See the control files section for more information.
Done switch
-d [c:\done]
The done switch specifies the path of a folder that a pdf file will be moved to from a watched folder
after the file has been successfully split.
Error switch
-e [c:\error]
The error switch specifies the path of a folder that a pdf file will be moved to from a watched folder
if an attempt to split the file generates an error.
Busy switch
-b [c:\busy]
The busy switch specifies the path of a folder that a pdf file will be moved into from a watched
folder while the file is being split.
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